The Democratic Party leadership’s quest to delegitimize the November election has already begun. It may be uncomfortable to even consider, given that we are in the middle of an unprecedented national crisis. However, we shouldn’t put it past today’s radical Democratic Party leaders to use the pandemic to again question the legitimacy of the president’s second term, should he win reelection.
In 2016, they drove the narrative that Russia helped him win the election over shoo-in Hillary Clinton. A claim decidedly disproven. Then they claimed the popular vote was the true measure of who won the election.
The Constitution would beg to differ.
For 2020, the logical assumption will be that the pandemic will be used as the excuse.
Democrats have already called for increased early voting, wearing masks in polling places, repealing voter ID laws, expanded mail-in voting and "providing assistance for vulnerable populations" generally known as the corrupt practice of vote harvesting.
The mainstream media will help them drive hysteria about voting risks during this time so state leaders and members of Congress will continue to demand changes in voting laws for the presidential election and important down-ballot races.
With those changes unlikely in many places, Democrats will then have their messaging ready. We can unfortunately write their talking points for them now: "Fear of the virus and insufficient accommodations to provide more access drove down turnout in many places so these results do not truly reflect the will of the American people."
You can just hear Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer saying it.
The question is "Why do this?"
The answer is simple.
They lack confidence in Joe Biden’s candidacy and need an excuse for a Trump victory that today, despite years of partisan attacks in collusion with the media, remains well within reach.
The enthusiasm deficit between Republicans and Democrats is significant.
Biden is viewed as merely the last man standing rather than a candidate who can drive real passion. A March Gallup poll showed Republican enthusiasm ahead of Democrats 64 percent to 58 percent. A poll done before the Florida Democratic primary showed fully 10 percent of Democratic voters intending to vote for President Trump in November.
There is concern that Bernie Sanders supporters will stay home.
This is a perilous position for Democrats’ chances to win the White House especially before the public has been informed that Biden’s platform bears more resemblance to Sens. Warren and Sanders than the moderate Democrat he is supposed to represent.
Democrats have nominated an aged Washington insider whose career and family are clouded by charges of self-dealing. Once a centrist, the former vice president bears the baggage of the Obama administration’s anti-economic growth agenda and lies about Obamacare.
His campaign also now embraces the AOC-supported Green New Deal, sanctuary cities, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, rolling back tax cuts, so-called "free" college entitlement and student loan forgiveness programs that will destroy private higher education and won’t benefit most in the middle class, taxpayer-funding for abortion, and other policies of the far left.
His son Hunter also remains in his highly-controversial role as a member of board of directors for the Chinese private equity firm he co-founded, despite his lawyer pledging late last year that he would resign.
It’s an unattractive position for Democrats despite the galvanizing impact of the president’s combative style resulting significant likability issues with key demographics.
The battle for the soul of the Democratic Party has created chaos.
All the talk of unity of the last week is mere lip service. It means sincere motivation to start sowing doubt in the electoral process again starting now. Make no mistake, they will attempt to damage Americans’ confidence in our democracy in front of the entire world to hide the fact that their ideas cut against the core formula for our exceptionalism.
Tom Basile has been part of the American political landscape from presidential campaigns to local politics. He served in the Bush Administration from 2001-2004, as Executive Director of the NYS Republican Party and has held a range of senior-level communications roles in and out of government. His new book Let it Sink In: The Decade of Obama and Trump provides a look back at the 2010s to prepare us to defend freedom in the 2020s. His critically-acclaimed book, Tough Sell: Fighting the Media War in Iraq (Foreword by Amb. John R. Bolton), chronicles his time in Baghdad fighting media bias and driving coverage of the Iraq war. In 2011, he was featured in Time Magazine's Person of the Year spread about political activism around the world. Basile is an adjunct professor at Fordham University and runs a New York-based strategic communications firm. He is a member of the New York Bar and sits on a number of academic and philanthropic advisory boards. Learn more about him at or follow him on Twitter @Tom_Basile. To read more of his reports, Click Here Now.
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