Jennifer Alvey, a parent with children in CUSD, told the Daily Caller she found the coordination "egregious" and said that it appeared the school board was looking to further intimidate parents from exercising their First Amendment rights.

"At worst, these emails would seem to indicate that CPD suggested to CUSD officials that they be anticipating and selectively looking for any opportunity to silence, trespass, [or] remove the anti-mask meeting participants, using CPD as the willing muscle to help CUSD remove we parents for non-legally-enforceable issues," Alvey said. "[This] is pretty egregious for we community members to contemplate."

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, signed a bill blocking state-run schools and government entities from requiring training in critical race theory.

School districts in Arizona can make their own decisions on whether to require masks for staff and students.

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