Whether or not you are Christian, we all need to pray for those being persecuted worldwide, because eventually it could be you, according to Southern Baptist pastor Tony Perkins.
"Increasingly, in the world today, danger and darkness are lurking for many," Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, wrote for Fox News.
"We must shine the light brightly, bringing hope and help to those who are in chains for their faith. We must pray and act for them today because tomorrow it could be us."
Perkins delivered his missive on Sunday, the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, amid Pew Research Center's findings "Christians represent the largest segment of people around the world who are targeted and persecuted for their faith."
"Open Doors estimates that number to be 245 million Christians who are experiencing high levels of persecution for their choice to follow Christ," Perkins wrote.
"These 245 million people are not just numbers; they are men, women and children, moms, dads, sons and daughters who all have names and share in common the fact they are being arrested, tortured, imprisoned, and even killed for one reason – they follow Jesus."
Perkins made a call for Americans to "call on our elected officials to be diligent in working for the freedom of those in captivity."
"Reminding them through our letters, social media and meetings, in town halls and wherever possible, that we have not forgotten our brothers and sisters suffering today," he wrote.
"It is our duty and necessity to act in the face of evil."
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