Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department has fueled racial tensions in Ferguson, Missouri, by falsely suggesting that police racism is responsible for tensions there, according to conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza.
In a new video,
posted on The Right Scoop blog site, D'Souza blasts what he terms "a vicious oppositional culture … aimed at the police" which has been "encouraged by the Holder Justice Department."
As an example, D'Souza points to
a new report issued by the department on the violence in Ferguson which depicts police in an ugly light but concedes that Police Officer Darren Wilson acted lawfully when he shot and killed Michael Brown Aug. 9
— the event cited as the primary grievance of rioters in that town.
In its report, issued earlier this month, the Justice Department essentially portrays the police as "racist scum," D'Souza argues.
It wrongly makes police out to be people "who hate blacks, who target blacks," he adds.
It would be one thing if the police were mistreating blacks in Ferguson, D'Souza says. But the Justice Department report acknowledges there's no evidence that Wilson did anything wrong in using force against Brown
— a suspect who Wilson says refused to obey a lawful order and tried to attack him.
By encouraging African-Americans to feel this sense of false grievance and victimization, D'Souza contends, Holder and President Barack Obama are behaving like the Civil War-era "Copperheads": northern Democrats who bitterly opposed President Abraham Lincoln's conduct of the war and encouraged Union soldiers to desert.
D'Souza notes that Lincoln argued that those who tried to induce desertion were damaging the war effort and deserving of severe punishment.
"Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier boy who deserts, while I must not touch a hair of a wily agitator who induces him to desert?"
Lincoln said in 1863.
The DOJ and the White House both "have a hand in the latest lawlessness in Ferguson," D'Souza maintains.
Today, "we have a lot of wily agitators among us, and many of them are in the Justice Department," he says. "And the biggest one of them lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."
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