When Mitt Romney said in his speech at the Republican National Convention that “Obama has thrown Israel under the bus,” Mitt obviously knew more than the rest of us. Within days of that speech, the picture of Obama's betrayal of Israel became clear. The story is shocking — as much for the betrayal of one of our strongest allies — as for the timing.
Obama has gone rogue. This isn't a surprise to me. I’ve said publicly on hundreds of media interviews for the past 3 ½ years that President Obama is no friend of Israel and when the chips are down, he will show his true colors. But even I thought his betrayal would be timed for sometime after the presidential election — perhaps on a quiet Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday weekend.
The fact he has openly thrown Israel under the bus BEFORE the election is a disturbing sign for Jews (and for all Americans who support the right of our longtime friend and ally Israel to exist). Can you imagine what Obama is capable of after the Presidential election — if he never again has to answer to Jewish voters?
So what happened in the past week?
On Thursday, August 30th Time magazine disclosed that U.S. Joint Chiefs Chairman, General Martin Dempsey, told reporters in London, “I don’t want to be complicit” if Israel chooses to conduct a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Complicit? Isn't that a word you use to describe a crime? That word isn't usually used to describe an ally of America defending itself from annihilation.
The Obama administration appears to be setting up Israel as a rogue nation for attacking Iran before that terrorist nation can do exactly what their leader promises — wipe Israel off the face of the map. No U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff would ever say anything like that without orders from the White House. Those are clearly Obama’s words, not Dempsey’s.
Even louder than the words are the actions of the Obama administration. TIME reported that a U.S.-Israeli joint war games exercise was postponed several months ago to show Obama’s displeasure over Israel’s plans to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. After being re-scheduled for this fall it has suddenly been scaled back, drastically.
TIME reports that “well-placed sources” in both countries have confirmed that the Obama administration has slashed more than two-thirds the number of U.S. troops participating; decided not to send crews to operate Patriot anti-missile systems; and will either cut in half or entirely eliminate the Ballistic Missile Defense warships involved in the exercise.
A senior Israeli official told TIME the message the Obama administration is sending is “We don’t trust you.” I would contend the Israeli official is being very diplomatic. The real message is much more brutal: “Good luck Israel. You are on your own.”
Everyone in the Obama administration is aware that an attack by Israel on Iran requires the latest "bunker buster" bombs provided only by the U.S. military. Israel also knows that a pre-emptive strike on Iran (to save itself from the holocaust promised by Iran as soon as it has nuclear capabilities), will result in retaliation from both Iran and Hezbollah. With 40,000+ missiles aimed at Israel from nearby Lebanon, Israel needs not only missile shields, but also military help from the U.S. to protect her civilian population and her very survival.
Even worse, the X-band radar system in the Israeli desert aimed at Iran and linked to Israel’s anti-missile systems, to warn Israel of incoming missiles, is manned by and controlled by U.S. military personnel. Without cooperation from the U.S. military, Israel is literally “flying blind.” The ability to save Israeli civilian lives and shoot down incoming missiles is in the hands of Barack Obama. And his message is clear, “We don't have your back."
It gets worse. An Israeli newspaper now reports that Obama went through back channels (with EU nations) to give the message to Iran and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that we do not have Israel's back and that Iran should not even think of attacking U.S. interests or military installations because we will not be part of the attack, and we will not be supporting Israel in any way. Can you imagine?
This is like FDR going through back channels to tell Adolph Hitler that we will not have England's back, so go ahead and attack London. But don't attack the U.S.A. because we are not on the same team. Just leave us out of it and we won't get involved. Can you even imagine this is happening in our country? So Obama is now putting up a white flag and tipping off a madman intent on genocide that we won't stand in the way of his retaliation towards Israel.
Given the cold shoulder Obama has given Israel since his inauguration, it is not a major shock that he is the first U.S. President to refuse to help Israel defend her citizens and national security. What is a major shock is his showing in no uncertain terms his bias against Israel’s right to defend herself BEFORE the election.
We all heard Obama whisper a message intended for Russian President Putin, “Sit tight and give me space, this is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” Unfortunately, it’s now clear one of those "flexible items" is to abandon Israel.
But wait — it gets even worse. The Democrats started their presidential convention by removing references to God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel from their platform. In a complete panic, they tried to re-insert those two items to avoid a public relations disaster. They could not get the two-thirds vote, but ignored the rules and passed it anyway. At which point God and Israel were booed by the Democratic delegates in what has to be the most embarrassing moment in modern political history.
As a Jew and a lifelong supporter of Israel, I would ask my fellow Jews to think long and hard at the voting booth on Nov. 6th. It is time to consider whether the historic voting patterns of Jews on behalf of the Democratic Party are in the best interests of the Jewish people? Is a vote for Obama, a vote condemning Israel to become a sitting duck in the name of leftist U.S. politics, or political correctness? Even more importantly, is voting for Obama over social issues, or a woman’s right to choose, worth it?
My conclusion: It’s time for Jews to abandon Obama, the same way Obama has abandoned Israel.
Wayne Allyn Root is a Reagan Libertarian and Capitalist Evangelist. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He is the best-selling author of "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts." Read more reports from Wayne Allyn Root — Click Here Now.
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