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Spiritual Terror Vs. Human Liberty: The Dream Called America Dodges a Bullet; Now What?

Spiritual Terror Vs. Human Liberty: The Dream Called America Dodges a Bullet; Now What?

Vice President-elect Mike Pence and President-elect Donald Trump (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) 

By    |   Wednesday, 16 November 2016 05:19 PM EST

We dodged a bullet on Election Day. A bullet directed at the heart of the American dream.

In the timely defeat of Hillary Clinton and in the stunning victory of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, a significant battle has been won. Much, however, remains to be done – at levels strategic and foundational – if we are to carry days beyond this day.

As a matter of strategic import, we must restore the real-world governing centrality of the U.S. Constitution, as written and not as killed by secularists and their dead "living" "Constitution" – which they then mangle to make it say and ratify whatever it is they want to do to have their way with the American body politic.

It is a simple fact: The freedoms so central to a humane life here in the U.S. cannot be sustained, and are not being sustained, by mere lip service to a bunch of words on a piece of paper called the Constitution.

This is what the presidential oath of office has been reduced to – just a perfunctory act on Inauguration Day, the content of which is denied all the other days by that massive non-Constitutional monopoly of establishment power that is the federal government, its eyes and tentacles reaching and probing every aspect of our individual lives.

That is not freedom. That is not human dignity. We are made for better than this.

And so we can be thankful Hillary Clinton's defeat derails what clearly would have been a successful effort to radicalize the Supreme Court by inserting extremist activists pretending to be justices. Pretenders – not judges, but partisan operatives.

Not justices, but political hacks. Using their position to legalize brutality, empower the executioners, and create "law" out thin air. What an inhumane disaster an anti-Constitutional Clintonized court would have been.

Also as a matter of strategic and foundational import, we must restore the Declaration of Independence – to which the Constitution is inextricably linked. To which it is wonderfully and ingeniously linked. Such that to delink these two foundational documents is to occasion great harm and sorrow. It is to strike at the heart of that liberating dream and beckoning land which is called America.

In fact, if we allow political elites – whether Republican or Democrat – to alienate the Constitution from the principles of human freedom and human dignity set forth in the Declaration rooted with practical realism in an actually existing Creator – well, let's just say that's how tyrants can use the "form" of the Constitution to deny its liberty and thereby impose an authoritarian, centralized power regime upon "We the People."

What a gross and outrageous offense to the human being. We bearers of publicly actionable unalienable rights endowed by the Creator are made for better than this.

Thus the disaster of Washington elites so alienated from the American people of today – in very large measure because these elites are already so alienated from those "magnificent" words of the Declaration and the Constitution, to quote Martin Luther King, Jr. Were it not for those magnificent words, there would have been no Martin Luther King. And never could there have been that shining, bright light of cultural advance displayed in the magnificent words of his epochal speech "I Have a Dream."

And so, because of the electoral outcome last Tuesday, we live to fight another day. We live to face down the spiritual terror aching to be unleashed yet more by extremists against the Constitution and Declaration – by yet more aggressive figures to arise and attack in the mold of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

These are the soft-spoken suit-and-tie totalitarians. The professionally aggrieved pantsuit propagandists.

They call it "transforming America" – in reality, it's an attack on America. An attack on the indispensable foundations of human freedom and human dignity. An assault on the heart of the American body politic that is rightfully so challenged, and so uplifted to the challenge, by magnificent Constitutional and Declarational words conveying liberating principles that speak to the very center of every human being.

To add insult to injury, and offense to indignity, this attack is so extremely dishonest.

They call it "liberation." They call it "equality." "Diversity." Words and slogans whose hidden purpose is to dominate and control, to elevate into power an elite "more equal" than "We the People," and to impose a phony diversity the better to divide – that the controllers might more easily conquer and rule.

What dishonesty, how inhumane, and such disrespect. We the human beings are made for so much more than this.

So, yes: Congratulations, O America. We live to fight another day. America lives to fight another day.

Let us make the most of who are. Let us make the most of what America as America always can strive to be. A walking dream from the mind of the Creator. A land of light, liberty, and humanity.

No perfection, it is true. And yet enough of a marvel to draw the people of the world to the beacon of our borders and the shining of our shores.

J. Richard Pearcey is editor and publisher of The Pearcey Report. This column originally appeared at Pro-Existence.

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We dodged a bullet on Election Day. A bullet directed at the heart of the American dream. In the timely defeat of Hillary Clinton and in the stunning victory of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, a significant battle has been won.
dream, America, dodges, bullet, Donald Trump
Wednesday, 16 November 2016 05:19 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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