We see the horror of Russia’s war on Ukraine daily: images of residential buildings burning and bodies of women and children lying dead on the streets of Kyiv.
But another war led by dictators in Russia and China is underway: a war fought with words — words that lead people to believe lies and cover up the real reason Russia is trying to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine. Nazi Joseph Goebbels was the architect of this rule of propaganda with his philosophy “If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.”
In Putin’s speech before he launched a full-scale war on Ukraine, he said "Modern Ukraine was entirely and fully created by Russia, more specifically the Bolshevik, Communist Russia." It was a lie — Kyiv is centuries older than Moscow.
Before Russia existed, there was Ukraine. Ukraine was an independent country with its own language and culture until the Soviet Union ended its independence. In 1991 the Ukrainian people left the Soviet Union.
Now, 30 years later they are fighting for their lives and for Ukraine to remain an independent, democratic nation.
Having visited Ukraine many times since 2004, lived there twice, and been married to a Ukrainian woman since 2008, I know that Ukraine is a western-style democracy that wants to be like other European countries. The real reason Putin first invaded Ukraine in 2014 and now has launched a full-out war is his fear that the Russian people will want what Ukrainians have — freedom.
And freedom for Russians would mean the end of his dictatorship.
I was serving as a Fulbright Scholar to Ukraine, teaching at Dnipro National University until being evacuated by State Department orders two months ago to Poland.
Now in Warsaw, my Fulbright colleagues and I are advocates for Ukraine. We help refugees cross the border. We attend peace rallies at the Russian and Chinese Embassies. And we fight back with Putin’s most powerful weapon — words.
For example, Ting, a Chinese friend has been influenced by her government to oppose Ukraine. Knowing I was helping refugees on the Ukrainian/Polish border, she wrote to me on social media:
"I don't think the war is all Russia's fault. I think both Ukraine and Russia are wrong. One wants to protect Russia from Nazis, the other wants dignity. Russia is determined to show they are strong and will not be bullied by Nazis."
I took a deep breath, sighed, and wrote:
"It’s sad that people have such opinions because they are wrong. I know the facts because I live in Ukraine. Ukraine is a democracy, and the people elect the President and decide what kind of government they want. Putin is concerned that his people will want the freedoms that Ukrainians have. That is why he’s invading Ukraine and disguises the true reason with such rhetoric as they are Nazis. Did you know the Ukrainian President is Jewish?"
After many texts, Ting now sees it as a senseless war that Russia is responsible for. But we can’t convince everyone. A Ukrainian friend shared the sad story of her cousin in Russia calling her, screaming, "You have become a Nazi!" citing Putin’s speech.
After my friend told him about the bombing of Kyiv and buildings being destroyed and civilians killed, he yelled "That’s a lie! It’s your fault, not Russia’s."
Goebbels principle was at work, a lie had become his truth.
Even Americans fall victim to Putin’s narrative. TV personality Candace Owens said on her talk show, "Ukraine wasn't a thing until 1989. Ukraine was created by the Russians ... They speak Russian."
This is incorrect. The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. Newspapers, TV, movies, names of streets and storefront signs — all are in Ukrainian. Ukrainians were forced to speak Russian in schools during the Soviet days, but no longer. In Dnipro, both languages are used.
Did Owens believe the Putin lie that invading Ukraine was necessary to protect the Russian-speaking people? Why then has Russia destroyed the Russian-speaking cities of Kharkiv and Mariupol? (Bombs destroyed 80% of Mariupol; approximately 3,000 deceased)
We must repudiate Putin’s propaganda and tell people the truth: Putin is a butcher and is guilty of war crimes. It is past time for the Russian people to learn the truth about Putin’s lies and to drive him from power.
Ukraine is not only a country, but also a country filled with brave people that put their lives on the line to protect their land, their democracy, and their people. I am proud to fight with them to achieve these ends, using words as my weapon.
Slava Ukraini!
Michael Sampson is a professor at St. John’s University and a Fulbright Scholar to Ukraine. He is the author of New York Times best-selling books for children. His latest book, Armadillo Antics, comes out in April.
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